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HOTL® Institute’s Signature Conversational Style of Writing is THE NEW STANDARD for EMPOWRING TEXTBOOKS!

Readers are now raving about the HOTL® Institute’s Signature textbook-novel collection and the considerable difference this style of reading makes! The HOTL® Institute’s Signature publishing collection is developed from Dr. Tuesday S. Hambric’s research discovery of the “Instant student” in her qualitative study on Students’ Preferred Learning published in her “Online Scholar-Mester” report of 2014 and again in her “Students’ Subconscious Preference for Learning” Report of 2023.

The HOTL® Institute’s Signature textbook-novel collection is designed to address the unique needs of our 21st-century students—the Instant Students—and their preferred ways of learning. Dr. Hambric found that “Instant Students” love the stimulating cognitive and emotional effects of social media and technology. Thus subconsciously developing a desire to learn through storylines, pictures, relevant themed learning, and catchy click-bate phrases. Capitalizing on these findings, The HOTL® Institute planned, scaffolded, and delivered the Instant Students’ preferred learning content and methods via meaningful “reading exchanges!

The HOTL® Institute’s Signature Conversational Style Collection incorporates pedagogical devices that play to the learners’ strengths and desires for learning. Each textbook novel presents engaging characters and storylines, thematic learning, relevant and trending practical case study topics, detailed theory applications through self-reflections, the author’s guiding insights, and catchy memorable phrases like “Let’s CHOP® It Up!” “Think Differently, Move Differently™,” “Thinking is Sexy™,” and “Unlock Your Mind!®” as well as colorful flow charts and images.

Ultimately, The HOTL® Institute’s Signature textbook-novel collection converses using classic and modern research to create an easy-to-understand, intimate, and comfortable teaching and learning environment that has proven to be THE NEW STANDARD for EMPOWERING BOOKS!


FINALLY, a fresh and exciting “Success” curriculum that grabs students’ attention and does not let go! “Let’s CHOP It Up” is a fiction novel/work-textbook that follows the storyline of five friends as they navigate their emerging adulthoods, life’s uncertainties, and personal victories! “Let’s CHOP It Up’s” curriculum is a cross between life’s daily suspense with comedy and student-preferred and much-needed self-help topics and guides!

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DesignerEnglish’s curriculum provides students with wonderfully imaginative short stories filled with practical, daily life lessons that students transfer into practical application, critical analysis, and communication via writing processes and practices. These thought-provoking short stories act as a means to help students study and practice all phases of the writing process, to include but not limited to invention, exploratory research, communication purpose for intended audiences, arrangement, style drafting, revising, and editing, both individually and collaboratively. This curriculum is also designed to help students study and practice strategies and techniques for developing research-based expository and persuasive texts.

Coming Fall 2024!


I am very excited about the information in this book. I am so excited because I’ve been given an opportunity to revive, modify, synthesize, and expand some the greatest educational works since Socrates. And believe this or not, I have been gifted with an idea that will help you gain or maximize success in all aspects of your life! This idea is called, Customized Higher Order Processing® (CHOP®).

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