Inspiring and Interactive! A Must Read.

I really enjoyed this book—it was interactive and made me think deeply, making it a fantastic resource for personal development. The book introduces various theories that are applicable to personal, professional, and educational settings. Not only does it offer theoretical insights, but it also includes engaging stories that relate to these theories, and providing solutions to various challenges. Additionally, the activities included in the book help the reader understand their own personality better and encourage them to apply the book’s concepts to their own life.

Aamna Ahmed

Great book for one trying to improve themselves!

Book was great. Most of the situations in the book sounded super relatable and were possible in real life. Sure, it makes one think a lot, but that thinking makes it worth it because you’re learning a lot of important information, methods to improve yourself, and other stuff along the way. Good job, Dr. Hambric, for making a textbook I actually enjoyed reading and spending time on.

Jesus Ortiz

mindset changing

I think this book is one of the best books I have ever read. I generally dislike reading, but I had to read this one because it was needed for the assignments> However. I came to like reading this book, and I have to admit it completely changed and immersed me in. It also helped me see life in an entirely different way.

Wonai Noori

My Learning Transformation

This book has really helped me to understand me as a person as well utilizing my personal life and beliefs in order to achieve succcess. I have implement some of the strategies of critical thinking The book has motivated me to engage with my peers by starting a study group amongst 2 other students in my Anatomy class.

Felicia Jones

Wisdom Organized Colloquially

This is an amazing and powerful book. You learn more about yourself and the world than any other medium I have explored. It is concise, its informality offers comedy and makes it easier to read, and I give my utmost respect to the author of such an amazing read. Thank you, Dr. Hambric.

Jayren Culberson

W in the Chat!!!

This book is an amazing read. Dr. Hambric’s textbook allows you to dive deep into who you are and how to achieve success. It gives you critical thinking skills in order to be successful. It gives you ways to break bad habits. Truly a 10/10 and definitely recommend.

Matthew Moreau

Inspirational, Motivational, Flawless, and Masterpiece. These words describe Dr. Hambric’s textbook

Amazing book I will probably end up using again. It’s honestly a flawless 100% pure effort made book. It shows examples of theories and gives activities that are based on well made stories that help us improve in all areas of our lives. Unlike the classic textbooks that are big and are bland. Dr. Hambric’s book is amazing because she made it herself and didn’t just be lazy and give us a big textbook that isn’t very compelling or well made.

Uzair Alam

Amazing and Inspiring Textbook-Novel!

The moment I started reading Dr. Hambric’s book I related to everything she was talking about. Every college student will relate and learn from this textbook, absolutely loved it.

Fausto Aguina

Great Read!!

Dr. Hambric’s textbook was very resourceful and helpful. It makes you think outside the box and deep dive into your bad habits. Helps with understanding your beliefs and motivates! I will be using the strategies I learned in this textbook in my outside world.

Kedriana Stegall

A compelling read and extremely helpful

My overall review on Dr. Hambric’s textbook, is and will always be an overall 10/10. It was witty and I felt so connected to the story’s and characters in the novels. It makes me believe that Dr. Hambric’s maybe the most approachable and knowledgeable person out there. And she created a book that is just that. It takes effort and potential to keep going, but at end it will all be for your benefit.

Isabella Arce

Masterpiece For Our Generation!

My overall review of Dr. Hambric’s Textbook is and will always be a 10/10. It was a motivation for me to read this book and finish with such efficiency. I related to the all the chapters in different ways, it was truly really helpful for me for education and my personal goals. It will change you mindset, and if you are trying to do that while learning, this is the book for you!

Isabella Arce

The Best How to Help Yourself Guide!

This book gives students who struggle with the nuances of life a clear and concise way to improve their circumstances and outlook on life. The importance of making the right decisions for you based on your values and beliefs rather than expectations or family has been life-changing. Thank you, Dr Hambric!!!!

Jadon Wall

A MUST Read!!!

Reading Dr. Hambric’s textbook was an eye opener and the best book I’ve read on self improvement. This book really helped my become not only a better student but also a better version of myself. From the different readings, examples, theories, and activities, everything helped me to improve myself. From day one of opening the book it really changed me and my classmates around me. I hope to see other future students enjoy and love this book as much as I did!

Samantha Pimentel

Relatable and Helpful!

Dr. Hambric’s new textbook-novel has been the best textbook I’ve ever read! Usually, I find textbooks extremely boring and a pain to read, however, this book was both engaging and interesting. I loved the use of storytelling with relatable characters and how the author writes. There are lots of amazing theories within the book that one can implement into their academic and daily life, easily! This is a new textbook-novel that you can look back at and it will still be helpful years later!

Yuvia Garcia

A Mental Chin-Check!

An amazing and engaging way to break down the mind in an understanding manner. So many things and situations I’d thought were normal turned out to be problems I was having. This textbook-novel opened so many gateways of thinking that it was overwhelming in a positive way. I’ve changed very much since my first day of class. Working on this textbook-novel has given me a new outlook on school and life. For the first time, I’m gonna look up and keep my head there this time.

Toje Jones

A unique way of teaching others and a breakdown of your mindset

Dr. Hambric’s unique and innovative textbook-novel has introduced a new style of teaching that opens the reader’s mind, spirit, and body, unlike anything I have ever seen. This is an amazing piece of work that takes a new way of learning and it invites readers to open their minds to something that can be beneficial to their careers. I want to personally thank Dr. Tuesday Hambric for compiling a true work of importance and virtue that I will personally be using for the rest of my life.

Oscar Castillo

All students should read this book

This book was a wonderful guide. I learned more about myself through the activities and readings. I enjoyed learning all the different strategies one could apply for school and other everyday situations that was included in each chapter. The stories and characters in this textbook-novel are very relatable. Many times I found myself thinking oh I did that before or oh I do that. By looking at the characters and relating to them I found aspects of myself I didn’t like, but with this textbook I learned ways to make changes for myself. For students that are not quite sure who they want to be, what type of goals they have and are new to the college experience. I recommend to read this book. It’s a good resource to go back to when times are hard.

Laisa Alvarez

Interactive and Personal

As a college student, having the opportunity to even have this book feels like a have a secure guide to my future. It guides me in personal ways that remind me of my past and think deeply about my future. It helps me see who I am and who I want to be. Textbooks often get associated with lessons, but this textbook-novel is also story based to let the reader have a better understanding and using real examples. Overall, this book is helpful in class and out of class.

Jared Valdes

You did that!

OKAYYYY! I loved the activities and assessments you made us go through. Took lots of thinking and realization literally amazing ! All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you!


More than just a book!

I want to start off by saying this textbook has been the BEST. I recommend this book to anyone willing to learn about ways they can improve not only their college experience but also their personal and career goals. I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to read this and have it guide me through some common obstacles I face. The way Dr. Hambric makes this book so engaging with life-changing activities and readings we can reflect on is great. If you are someone who’s not a big fan of reading but enjoys a dialogue-based textbook, you’re going to LOVE this.

Mia Cossio

A Break Down of Your Brain

Dr. Hambric’s book offers a new way to examine your thoughts and actions. When used properly, this text will undoubtedly lead those who read it to success in all ventures! Thanks Dr. Hambric!

Sarah Peck

Discovering Different Life Tools

Dr. Tuesday S. Hambric’s Let’s Chop It Up! is full of practical wisdom that’s not just insightful but also incredibly useful for college and beyond. What’s really cool about it is the storytelling—it makes complicated stuff easy to grasp. It hands you the tools to take control of your thoughts and actions, shaping your real-life outcomes. This book is a journey of self-improvement that anyone looking to grow should check out. It’s a down-to-earth read that’s both enlightening and relatable.

Celia Gonzalez

The Book full of keys that might help you unlock something

The overall message that I can give this book is that it is filled with a bunch of tools, that might help right now or for the future. Along with relatable characters, and stories that make the book a great read and engaging. It has helped me see math as a subject that is not a strong suit for me in a different light that makes it easier to understand. Definitely recommend.

Christopher Gonzalez

“Do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will-his good, pleasing, and perfect will” (Romans 12:2-3)

Have you ever heard the saying: “Do not judge a book by its cover?” That saying fits perfectly here. Dr. Tuesday S. Hambric’s book is filled with Knowledge and Wisdom. This book will make you self-reflect and challenge you in the best ways possible. It inspires you to apply some of the best practices to live a successful life filled with blessings.

Carmen Cortina-Jimenez

An Incredible Journey

I am so blessed to have read through this and learn the many strategies and tips that helped me become who I want to be and how I can be successful in life. I am a person who gets bored easily when reading, but this kept me engaged throughout and the stories in each chapter are what I love the most. They are effortlessly written and all the characters feel real and authentic. This book has been an incredible journey and I am so happy I got the chance to read it. This book is so meaningful with useful information that it will help me throughout my college journey and life.

Sangeeth George

Resourceful for all students!

This new style textbook-novel written by Dr. Hambric is an extremely resourceful book. She goes through many different ways of critical thinking and ways to set yourself up for success. Dr. Hambric also uses real world problems that apply to each lesson, while also using organized visuals based on the information in the textbook. I appreciate her hard work, patience, and wisdom to be able to crater this amazing textbook and pouring out incredibly useful information that I will use throughout my whole life!

Makayla Mohair

Why this book is a "must read"

This is a well-written book. I would especially recommend it to people who need help guiding them in the pursuit of their goals.

Faith Rachel


This book is a definitely MUST. I enjoyed every single piece of it. Great for self-improvement. I learned so much from it,; theories to solutions to equations and so much more. It helped a lot.

Violet Sanchez

I recommend reading it, ITS WONDERFUL!

This book was an eye-opener that helped me set goals that were towards my future life. I really liked this book because it allowed me to build self motivation and inspiration for my life, which provided some great interactive activities that I can relate to and use later in life. It has allowed me to feel better about myself and I have been successful in everything I have been doing since I read it!

Nyree Smart


This book is excellent. It will help your daily life.


Life Changing

This was a really good book. This book is really relatable like college students like me. It helped me find my true core goals, and it was also a eyeopener. The interactive in this book really makes you think about your life, and what you need to change to improve. 10/10 I recommend!

Jaden Moffett

Life Changing

This was a really good book. This book is really relatable like college students like me. It helped me find my true core goals, and it was also a eyeopener. The interactive in this book really makes you think about your life, and what you need to change to improve. 10/10 I recommend!

Jaden Moffett

The 1 book that i stay re-reading

I really enjoyed this book—it was interactive and made me think deeply, making it a fantastic resource for personal development. the book was the best onne i have read in a while to learn more about myself and every. Great job Dr.Hambric Rebecca Blocker .

Rebecca Blocker

Amazing book!

This book was great. It definitely served its purpose throughout this whole course. I have learned many things about myself, others, behaviors, etc. The real-world scenarios helped shape my understanding of different ideas and ways of doing things. Overall this book has taught me so much about present day life and for the future!

Brooklynn Scott

Amazing book/ Must read!

This book was great. While reading and answering the questions that followed I was able to see so much about myself and become a better person. It helps you think about so many aspects of life. It’s a must-read for sure. Thank you, Dr. Hambric.

Camryn Saenz

Generational Seeds being planted

This overall study and book is something that will always be around! Reading this book, even at basic levels, will show you new ideas that YOU made yourself, putting the responsibility back on you. There will be no more excuses. You either get it and elevate/improve yourself or fall behind because of your pessimistic attitude.


Grow Your Mindset!

I honestly really enjoyed reading this book. I’m able to create new self-management plans with ease. Although there are many activities and thought put into the questions, it has helped me get to know myself better and confidently make choices. Whether that be academically, in work, or even for my personal benefits. I’m glad I was able to take the opportunity and read this. I 100% recommend!

Galilea Castillo

Life changing!

This book was excellent. Without a doubt you will learn so many new things that apply not only to your academic but personal life. Theres methods presented to you that are very useful especially because it can be created as your own personal way of accomplishing things. The author Dr. Hambric made the book to where its relatable and has a great sense of humor. Overall it’s an amazing book.

Sasha Obregon

Life Inspiring

Dr. Hambric’s book has been a transformative journey for me. It goes beyond the usual self-help advice by diving deep into personal identity and habits, urging introspection, and offering practical strategies for growth. What sets it apart is its incredible practicality—it doesn’t just point out bad habits or obstacles; it gives clear, actionable steps to conquer them.

I’ve found that this pragmatic approach really speaks to me. It’s not just theory; it’s a roadmap I can apply directly to my life. Countless testimonials attest to its life-changing impact, and I can personally vouch for that. From shifting my perspective on decision-making to helping me align my actions with my values, Dr. Hambric’s insights have brought about profound positive transformations in my life. This book isn’t just about reading—it’s about taking action and seeing real results.

Deanna Shed

Change in mindset and how your pursue your goals.

Amazing book. I really enjoyed how this book was interactive and helped you by giving you new ways to go about a situation. This book helped me on setting up my new goals and how I will pursue them not only that but how to help others. Also teaches us not to let others control how we want our life to be. It was very inspiring to read this book and I will definitely be using the things I learned in the future. Is it time consuming to take the multiple steps to success? Yes, but it is 100% worth it in the end for the best results. Thank you Dr.Hambric!

Jennely Ortega

Very Inspiring!

This book truly helped me look at things from different perspectives and how I can use these goals to help better my future. The interactives were a bonus! I also really enjoyed the real-life situations with Emily, John, Jalon, Brandon & Yoon Se-Ri.

Diamonique McGee

Amazing and Intriguing

This book is an amazing combination of interactive and interesting. The questions make you use your critical thinking skills but also simulate real things you can experience. The stories have meaning to them and resemble a lot of real life situations that you may encounter.

Daniel Okechukwu


Awesome. I really don’t know what else to say.

Jamarrian crowder

Inspiring and Interactive! A Must Read.

I really enjoyed this book—it was interactive and made me think deeply, making it a fantastic resource for personal development. The book introduces various theories that apply to personal, professional, and educational settings. Not only does it offer theoretical insights, but it also includes engaging stories that relate to these theories, providing solutions to various challenges. Additionally, the activities included in the book help the reader understand their thinking better and encourage them to apply the book’s concepts to their own life.

Aamna Ahmed

Awesome Book

I think this is an awesome book that tells you about how it can help us grow and improve, and how it ultimately impacts our overall success.

Lemarcus Simpson

This book showed me a lot of things

This book thought me a whole bunch. This book taught me things like how to properly study. I’m very grateful that I got the opportunity to be a part of this class and experience. Dr. Hambric did a amazing job in making the book. Again thank you for allowing me to be a part of this amazing experience.

Nicolas Vazquez

Healthier Mindset

This book has changed me in so many positive ways. School used to be a challenge for me. Now though, that’s all in the past. My Learning Frameworks professor had us read this book and I do not regret it. I actually found myself enjoying what I was reading. It has helped me become who I wanted to be at the start of the year and I couldn’t be happier.

Brendan Gabel

Eye Opening and In-Depth Reflection

After reading this book, I have been given the opportunity to actually see myself, my struggles, and my progress. This book has opened up so many opportunities to me and has helped me further analyze myself and work on helping myself. I have learned of various Learning Frameworks that have helped me immensely and will continue to help me. I recommend to everyone as it will help form your own overall self-management system and view on life and it’s struggles.

Heidy Emilio

Making you think differently

This book is not your average college textbook. This textbook changes the way you think about conflict, success, and failure. I am not the biggest reader however this book had me intrigued and interested. Even though I never met Dr. Hambric this book made me feel like I knew her.

Gabriel Esquivel Jr.

Changed the way I think

This book changed how I thought throughout the entire time I was reading it. I changed for the better in how I approach school and things in my personal life.

Edith Gonzalez

Great problem solving skills in School, Personal Life, and at Work!

This was a good informative book. It was mind opening and gave me good tips on how to be successful and overcome my barriers.

Victor Cullors

Amazing book to read!

This is an amazing book; it really did show how much it truly gives you a step up moving forward. It honestly inspired me to really read more and just finding new things about myself and how much I can actually achieve from start to finish. Thank you Dr. Hambric for this book, it really did change me from the person I used to be. I now feel and think so differently after reading this.

Raquel Toral

Amazing textbook

When I first saw this textbook, I sighed because I disliked reading, but as I continued, I realized it was amazing. The way the situations were played out was relatable and offered insights on self-improvement. overall amazing book, really helps out new students who started college.

Liliana Flores

The story plot is very entertaining.

“Let’s CHOP It Up” by Hotline Institute feels like sitting down with a knowledgeable friend who’s a pro at communication. It’s full of practical advice and relatable examples that make learning a breeze. I love how it breaks down everything from understanding the context of a conversation to being honest and open. The best part? It encourages me to practice what I learn, so I can steadily improve my skills. Though some parts might seem a tad repetitive, overall, it’s an excellent guide for anyone like me aiming to become a better communicator and forge deeper connections.

Adnan T

Amazing Book

The book is very easy to read and understand and is very informative. I believe all people can use this book outside of college as well because it helps you understand who you are and if there are certain aspects in your life that you aren’t particularly fond of, you have the power to change that. Reading it was like talking to a friend. Very casual yet educating.

Cherish Norman

Perfectly written for someone who needs guidance

This book is a blueprint for someone who need direction or redirection to help them reach their full potential in life. I wish I had this book when I first started my college career. I think things would have went a lot smoother. I usually get rid of my books but I will be saving this one for my kids.

Ashimea Ware

Book rating

I like the book it’s pretty great especially for first time college students. This book most definitely can benefit any one for the future to achieve their success and goals. I would definitely recommend this book for anyone to get a different perspective of life.

Kimora Rockmore

Helpful for EDUC

Very good.

Lebron James

New Way to Teach and Learn!

The book was not just fascinating but also empowering. Despite its academic nature, I found myself engrossed in the stories and their practical applications to the chapters. These narratives served as a bridge, helping me understand complex concepts by placing them in real-world contexts.

The book was very well written and structured, and overall, it was very interesting and easy to read. It was manageable despite being a college textbook.


A. Aguliar

Easy to Understand

This book broke down different processes for studying and I found it extremely helpful

Peyton Nunally

Perfect book for an Introduction to Learning College course

Personally, I enjoyed the book overall with the relatable topics and the interactive assignments, as well as the laidback style the book has. It helps you learn how to learn in many ways that I did not expect, and it also helped me realize my potential with college and a career. I look forward to utilizing what I learned in the future. 

Diana Serna

Very helpful and life changing.

This book is amazing. Very insightful and well written. I love the different learning methods and tasks throughout the book. This book does a great job in helping me understand critical thinking and what I want for my life and career..

Cathrine Steele

Changes the way you think

This book has helped me realize that I need to start focusing on the things that I don’t realize are important. Even though I don’t like to read, this book has thought me a lot of things and I don’t regret reading it.

Jocelyn Venegas

Amazing and Awe-inspiring Textbook

This book helped me learn how to use critical thinking to succeed. The book also helped me understand how much change can come to one person. I was a little reluctant when I first started reading because it was for assignments. However, the book helped me learn skills I can use outside the classroom and school. It was more engaging the more I got into it and I would recommend it to anyone looking to self-improve.

Imena Williams

Fun to Read, and very Helpful

I was able to construct note taking skills, and really be mindful of myself. The book is very fun to read, and Dr. Hambrick really formatted the book well! It helped me understand who I am as a whole, and it is very resourceful. I Would love to read this book again!

Yazan Al Hourani

An Eye Opener and Helpful Tool

Dr. Hambric’s textbook was very helpful in all aspects of life. It gives the push needed discover yourself and how you can be the best version of yourself. As someone who really does not like reading it is an amazing textbook.

Joaquin Rodriguez


Dr. Hambric’s book is a good book for understanding all the things that’s in there, you can be a online college student and the book is very helpful you can also learn about yourself its not only great for school it’s good for your overall life outside of school HIGHLY RECOMMAND!!!

Ariana Richards

Dr. Tuesday S. Hambric’s “Let’s Chop It Up!”

I am just amazed at how much this book has helped me. It gave me thoughts about life that I honestly had not thought about. It’s been a long time since I have cried reading a book by how much it touched me, if you are honestly ready to think differently and move differently be prepared this book is going to be your go to. I am going to miss the weekly encouragement reminders. Dr. Tuesday thank you so much, this book has not only helped my schooling but my life outside of school.

Laura Sabedra

Very Helpful for Every Reader!

I love how this book doesn’t just deliver basic messages like “try your best” or “take advantage of your resources” but rather, it gives comprehensive information on how to cope with hardships or certain situations. These kinds of “straight to the point” messages are things I’ll definitely use in the future.

Fatima Issa

The goal setting theory was amazing

Amazing book! I learned so much. One of the only books provided by a course that I enjoyed. The format and information of the book really excites me as a student.

Hilary Garcia

Awesome Book

This book was awesome it will help you self-improve. I loved the activities and how engaging the book was. It was something enjoyable that is going to be useful in the future. I definitely give this book five stars.

Alejandro Lugo


My overall review is 5 stars. It makes you think about you, and it helps us keep track of our goals. It is very helpful for young people future. I will use this book to help my future.

Hazel Herrera

Great Book!

The book is very interesting as you can mirror yourself in the situations that Dr. Hambric created. You have to be open minded to change and it also comes with so mamy explained strategies about how to be better in school and life.

Estrella Rodarte

Life Changing Knowledge!

Dr. Hambric’s textbook-novel was my favorite textbook I’ve ever read. This book has been so life changing for me. There is so many great self-improving techniques to use in the book with in depth explanations. I will continue to use them on a daily basis as it’s improved so many different areas in my life. This is something everyone must read if they want to become the best version of themselves.

Yusef Alhajiko


overall amazing book!


Loved It!

Dr. Hambric’s textbook-novel is very helpful guide for anyone starting college. the stories in the book are very relatable and very fun to read. The activities on it are extremely straight forward and exciting to solve.

Yakoub Hamouda


The book is very informative and inspirational. It asks you questions about yourself and your thoughts throughout the read, making you think within yourself and challenge your thinking process.

Nikaya Thomason

So Helpful!!!

One of the best and most interactive textbooks I’ve ever used!


Awesome Textbook-Novel!

Dr. Tuesday S. Hambric’s “Let’s Chop It Up!” is a great and engaging book to read! I appreciate the time and dedication she put into writing it.

Jesus Rubio

Very Helpful

This textbook was extremely helpful during my course. It is helpful because everything in the book can help you in your academic life as well as help you in your everyday life by being able to help you improve your thinking and analyzing skills.

Jordan Zamora

A Great Resource To Help Reach Your Goals

It is a great book, it has helped me find new problem-solving methods. It gives examples of characters with problem-solving examples. I also love how the book is written it feels like Dr. Harmbric is talking to you person to person. All the information and activities are very helpful to improve in engaging situations.

Ana Luna

Helpful and Resourceful

Dr. Hambric’s textbook is something that can help you better organize your ideas and goals. Not only that but it also helps better improve on one’s self and use the resources that people give and the examples that she sets in the textbook. This is a textbook that has really helped me and that can help many others.

Chelsey Gonzalez

Loved Reading It.

As a college student, this textbook-novel is a useful tool to get you acquainted with a better learning process throughout college & lifelong situations.

amir abidoye

A Great College Starting Guide

This textbook was a great guide to learning about the dedication it takes to work on a college level. It was clearly written, with tons of examples that made it easier to focus and understand it all together. It would definitely help me stay on track with my studies. It taught me so much about value-based reasoning, I’m sure I’ll use it a lot in the future. It also taught me some other important things such as Problem-Solving skills, Self-Motivation and Effective Communication.

Matthew Rojas

Helpful and Direct to You!

An amazing book to learn new methods that help you in the future. I love how it feels like she’s right here in the room with us explaining things to us as we read.


Terrence’s review

This book is a useful tool to get you acquainted with a better learning process throughout college & lifelong situations. The learning concepts allow you to understand on a more personal level instead of the old textbook ways where it’s bland and boring information learning. This textbook has helped me and others in my class and I’m going to continue to learn from this textbook going forward!

Terrence Stafford

Fun and Great Learning Material

This book is very informative and can help you find many great solutions to your problems.

Donovyn Corley

Very Helpful

The assignments in the book related very well to the content in the textbook. The book used many different creative and fun examples to help me learn. This book was engaging and used many symbols and and other fun things to keep you reading.

Luke Boyd

Lets chop it up

This is more than just a book if you actually take it seriously you will learn things about yourself that you didn’t even know.

Richard Ayomide Adewale-safa

A Start To Think Differently, Then Moving Differently!

This book is one of the books I’ll most definitely keep for my lifetime. I can see myself in my mid 50’s picking up this book to reflect on life. I believe everyone needs to read this book it has valuable information.


Good Book

A genuinely good book and I don’t like to read. But, it felt as though I was actually speaking with someone, which makes it feel more engaging. This book is great.

William Climaco

I am able to plan out my goals in a more efficient way

After reading this book and learning different things such as the ABCD theory, blooms taxonomy, finding out my values, and so much more I used this information to help with reaching my goals.

Evelyn Yanes

An Understandable Book

As someone who isn’t a big fan of reading I found this book to be one of the most pleasing and most engaging book to read. It’s nice for the eye and smooth on the brain where I can understand everything I read. The information that the book provides is fantastic and I feel like I became a better person during the time I was reading the book. With these theories I can not only help myself, but the people that need it the most. Everyone needs to read this book if they want to better themselves. Trust me you’ll like it.

Edgar Duarte

It is a good book to help you.

I loved this book, in this book I found several things and I was able to differentiate some things that I did not know before and now I learned, something that can be useful for later.


It is a good book to help you.

I loved this new textbook-novel, in this book I found several things and I was able to differentiate some things that I did not know before and now I learned, something that can be useful for later.


Very resourceful book!

This book has many useful resources that can help you in your class courses. This book will open your mind to new ways to self-improve you in your life and your future.

Angel Garcia

This book is Inspiration and a must read.

I learned about The Super Six Theories from this book. I learned how to create my own critical thinking profile thanks to it. It gave me advice on how to sharpen my mind and take better care of my finances. Another important topic in this book that I myself found difficult to understand is goal setting.Reading this book and discovering these incredibly useful notions has been a delight. I send my best wishes to Professor Hambric and her family. There is no better place to start if you want to simplify your life than with this book.

Engels Castellon

A book that helps you grow mentally

This book is SUPER helpful. I really enjoyed reading this textbook-novel since it helped me become a better version of myself. This book showed me many techniques that I can use in my daily life not only for educational purposes but also in my personal life. While reading the book it also makes you question yourself and in a way it kind of motivates you to change for the better.

Jacqueline Evaristo

Helped me realize my Values

The textbook provides various frameworks and theories that, when applied, can help anyone focus on working towards their goals.

Justo Espindola

Better Than Any Textbook I’ve Had To Read!

This textbook-novel is very easy to read and understand. It doesn’t feel like a chore as do other textbooks. I appreciate the stories and the laid back approach that still gets the information across. If I had one critique it’s that the dialogue can sometimes feel out of touch from how real teenagers talk, but most of it is relatively good.



This textbook-novel teach us different theories and help us to implement them in real life. This also helps us achieve a good in life. You should never miss her class.

Thanks a lot Dr. Hambric

Aakashkumar Patel

A book you need to read!

This book is definitely worthwhile! It was easy to read, kept me engaged and entertained, and most importantly kept me wanting to learn more. My way of thinking has changed for the better since I first started reading it and implementing the theories it teaches.

Alexa Corona

A Great Book that will help you!!!

This is a great Book because it helps you understand more on how how to continue being successful with your personal and college life. And it teaches you good learning skills that will lead you to success!! Thank You Dr. Hambric!


A very helpful book

When I first saw the book I thought I wasn’t going to like it but as we went more into it, I was completely wrong. It breaks down how everything in your mind works and better your way of thinking, I know it did for me as I am someone who struggles with a chaotic mind. This is such a good and helpful book that I wish I had known about it sooner. Thank you, Dr. Hambric!!

Italia Negrete

If you are looking for a way to move and think differently, this is the book!

With a storyline that helps one to connect with oneself, it has brought hope and reliability to modern problems. It breaks down manners into ways one can decipher and apply them to everyday life, whether in school or outside.

Abraham Turrubiartes

A good book to help you!

This book has so much information in it to read! It truly does help you with skills that can better your future, and it really helps you find out who you truly are and what your emotions are and who you want to be.

Alexander Gallion

Dr. Tuesday S. Hambric’s Let’s Chop It Up!

The book is great! The work was very easy to comprehend; you simply need to read it. This textbook novel helps with creating goals and success plans. Take this course you will be satisfied!

Tiarra K.

A fascinating read for college freshmen!

I won’t say much more except to mention that I like this book a lot. For a non-native English speaker like myself, I was initially a little frustrated to see it had too many words and exercises, but I think the professor put a lot of work into it. After getting to know it for a few weeks, I’ve come to the conclusion that this is a simple-to-read, incredibly inspirational book on discovering your identity and picking the right career for you. For the most part, I want to thank the professor for this book!

Nguyen Bui

I am an ADVANCED reader now!

This book it has so much useful information that has helped me understand more.Has easy activities and skills that anyone can learn advanced reading to help with their future.


A Lifelong Resource

This book enhances your thinking by providing you with theories and strategies that will help you become the best version of yourself. It is an easy and entertaining read that will not only help students achieve success in college but for the rest of their lives as well.

Jacqueline Mann

Amazing and Outstanding Book !

I really enjoyed my journey learning new skills and values with the help of Dr. Hambric’s textbook. I liked that the book doesn’t give you the answer right away but instead guides you and shows you different perspectives. I learned many new things that will help me out in the future as well as new things about myself.

Gwendolyn Pacheco

Very resourceful and easy to read!

I found that this book was simple to understand and contains many lessons and skills anyone can learn with the right comprehensive skills.

Jayelle Glover

Whew Look At Me Now!

This book has been a great resource and interesting way to put different thought processes into one’s perspective. Some of these methodologies have assisted me in shaping certain outcomes by my own self control. I feel like that is a powerful statement; to have a system that can influence your mind, the most powerful part of your body, to create real life outcome. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and have accepted the lessons it has taught.

Jennifer Coleman

Very Helpful and Needed.

This book is a necessity for someone entering college. This book showed me a new perspective on methods and theories towards academics. I’ve never read books like this one before, but I would recommend this book for everyone to read.

Christopher Kelsey

A must have for all aspiring college students!

If you want to know strategies to improve yourself for the rest of your life then you are at the right place. This book will make you reconsider your approaches to life problems and will improve you. If you want to be the best version of yourself I suggest you read this book.

Diego Leija

Extraordinary book with tips to be successful

This book is the key to success! It breaks down ways to improve your quality of life while expanding the reasons on why. At the beginning, I didn’t know what to expect, but after the thorough explanation from Dr. Hambric, I looked forward to reading more and more.

Martha Varela

A Great Resource

This book communicates The Super Six Theories to the reader in a way that makes it feel like you’re having a conversation with Professor Hambric. It gets the point of each of the theories across and is interactive, making it easy to track your progress.

Viviann Jaimes Escobedo

Great book for students!!!!

The book was very informative and has lots of extremely beneficial information if the reader actually applies themselves. I would definitely pay attention to the content in this book because it wont just help you in school, it will help you in your career and in your life!

Jack Sanders

I can now express my thoughts better!

Professor Hambric did a very GREAT JOB! Although it contains so much information and at times I needed to go back and read it over because it was just so much to take in it was all worth it. I will definitely be keeping this with me because I still have so much more to learn. I did not know how to express my thought before this class. I am so glad this was my very first college class!

Selena Onofre Rufino

This book is Inspiration and a must read.

This book has taught me about The Fabulous Five Theories. It showed me how to make my own critical thinking profile. It showed me how to improve my thinking and financial well being. Goal Setting is another huge thing in this book which i personally struggled with. It has been a pleasure reading this book and learning about these very helpful theories. I wish Professor Hambric and her family the best. If you looking to make your life easier then no better way than to start with this book.

Isai Maldonado