Fresh and Dynamic, 21st Century Student Success Training and Workshops!

The Higher Order Teaching & Learning Institute, LLC strives to keep the teaching and learning craft applicable and innovative. This is the same as keeping it  freshpracticalmeasurable, and 21st Century current learner-focused.” These are the keys to success. Now, I know that is a mouth full, but we mean every word of it! We at the HOTL Institute not only recognize these essential elements, but we also live them. We aim to deliver such training solutions in innovative and fun ways that are universal and easily implemented regardless of your discipline!


The vision of the HOTL Institute is to transform and provide dynamic teaching and learning experiences through faith, universally relevant, measurable, and game-changing practices.


The mission of the HOTL Institute is to manifest its vision through the following means:

  • Data-driven decision-making from real-time research that is audience-specific and across contexts where relevant.
  • Universal methodologies to include the HOTL Model!
  • Self-Reflection, monitoring, and adjusting all aspects of the HOTL Institute to model and project Knowledge, Hope, Care, and Mastery of Skill Sets.
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